The Stories Below are Aimed to Educate and Demonstrate the Wide Range of Human/Dog Interaction, the Struggles and at Sometimes Successes Both Species Find in Life.
Dogs are far more complex creatures that many people might ever understand.
Dogs are far more complex creatures that many people might ever understand.
Dog Tied to The Train Tracks By His Elder Owner
April, 2013

Banjo, a 10-month-old poodle-terrier mix was tied to the tracks near Mecca, Calif., earlier this month by a 78-year-old man, officials there say. The engineer of the approaching train saw the man walking away from the tracks and used emergency brakes to stop the locomotive.
April, 2013

Banjo, a 10-month-old poodle-terrier mix was tied to the tracks near Mecca, Calif., earlier this month by a 78-year-old man, officials there say. The engineer of the approaching train saw the man walking away from the tracks and used emergency brakes to stop the locomotive.
Union Pacific special agent Sal Pina arrived on the scene, untied the
pooch and detained the man, who "said his family didn't want the dog
and didn't know what to do".
Officials did not pursue animal-cruelty charges against the man
because he "appeared to be confused or senile and didn't fully
understand what he had done." The man was released to his family. Banjo was rescued and placed for adoption.
Dog Reunited With His Original Owner After 10 Years
February, 2013
Ginger, a 13 year old basset hound, was re-united with his original owner Jamie Carpentier after he decided for some reason to check the Humane Society of Greater Nashua's Website; there he noticed the description of a dog very similar to his long lost friend which was placed in a shelter 10 years ago by his ex-wife without his knowledge; after this Ginger was adopted by an older couple, by the they had to return her when caring for her became too difficult. Jamie decided to come down to the Humane Society as soon as possible with his dad and Ginger was able to immediately recognize him.
(We have experienced in different occasions that some dogs have been surrendered or place for adoption by spouses, without the consent of their partner)
German Shepherd Saves Her Pups From a House Fire
January, 2013

A heroic mother dog saved her 10-day-old puppies from a house fire in Santa Rosa de Temuco, Chile on Thursday. Sensing the danger to her babies, she picked the pups up in her mouth and moved them from the burning house to the safety of the nearby fire truck. She then gently placed the pups on the steps of the fire-truck as firefighters fought the blaze. According to SoyChile, the German Shepherd mix named Amanda rescued her pups alongside of firemen when the blaze broke out in her family's home. Amanda and her pups were taken to the veterinarian, but one puppy named Amparo, who had suffered severe burns, later died. The veterinarian said that Amanda's four other puppies were doing really well, but that Amparo had died from her injuries.

The vet, Felipe Lara, said that Amanda had defended her puppies when they tried to take them away from her to care for them. Eventually she let them check over her pups but she wanted to stay with ailing Amparo and did not want to let her from her sight.

A heroic mother dog saved her 10-day-old puppies from a house fire in Santa Rosa de Temuco, Chile on Thursday. Sensing the danger to her babies, she picked the pups up in her mouth and moved them from the burning house to the safety of the nearby fire truck. She then gently placed the pups on the steps of the fire-truck as firefighters fought the blaze. According to SoyChile, the German Shepherd mix named Amanda rescued her pups alongside of firemen when the blaze broke out in her family's home. Amanda and her pups were taken to the veterinarian, but one puppy named Amparo, who had suffered severe burns, later died. The veterinarian said that Amanda's four other puppies were doing really well, but that Amparo had died from her injuries.

The vet, Felipe Lara, said that Amanda had defended her puppies when they tried to take them away from her to care for them. Eventually she let them check over her pups but she wanted to stay with ailing Amparo and did not want to let her from her sight.
Dog in San Donaci Italy Continues to Attend Church Even After Her Owner's Death
January, 2013

Tommy, a 7 year old German Shepherd used to accompany his owner Maria Lochi, to church on a regular basis and was allowed to sit at her feet during mass. After Lochi died, Tommy joined the mourners at her funeral service and followed her after her coffin as it was brought into the church. Until this very day every time the church bells ring rings to announce mass, Tommy is allowed to sit and attend mass just like everyone else.
(This report shows how the loyalty of a dog goes above and beyond most human emotion)

Tommy, a 7 year old German Shepherd used to accompany his owner Maria Lochi, to church on a regular basis and was allowed to sit at her feet during mass. After Lochi died, Tommy joined the mourners at her funeral service and followed her after her coffin as it was brought into the church. Until this very day every time the church bells ring rings to announce mass, Tommy is allowed to sit and attend mass just like everyone else.
(This report shows how the loyalty of a dog goes above and beyond most human emotion)
Missing Dog Reunited After Owner Identifies Her by Her Bark
January, 2013

Lucy is a service dog that helped Shane Wilson, with his daily activities such as opening doors or helping his owner get up when he falls. Lucy jumped out of the back of Wilson's pick up truck in Commerce, GA, which was 30 miles away from their home. Shane drove that stretch of road for six straight days looking for his companion, until receiving a phone call that Lucy was found and brought over to a veterinary office; Wilson was skeptic due to many false reports that she had been found before, however once he came into the doctor's office and heard her bark he immediately was able to recognize her.
(Becky Davis and Tiffany Scoggins were the women who found Lucy and brought her to the veterinarian office, the even refused the $500 reward. Becky and Tiffany are true Rescue Heroes)
Dog Lies Next to Fallen Hero Casket
August, 2011

Hawkeye is a Labrador Retriever who refused to leave the side of his fallen owner Navy Seal Jon Tumilson, who perished along other 30 American Troops, when their helicopter was brought down by Taliban insurgents on August 6. Hawkeye loyalty until the very end, was a sad and touching sight for all of the mourners present in this hero's funeral service.
(This is an incredibly touching story that shows the high level of understanding and emotion a dog feels for their owner)